Where to check business name availability in Canada

Where to check business name availability in Canada

We help a lot of marketers and business owners choose new names. Whether it’s a name for a new product, or a new offer or a whole new business, one of the most important steps in the naming process is ensuring the name is available for how you plan to use it. There...
How to Trademark for the Amazon Brand Registry in Canada

How to Trademark for the Amazon Brand Registry in Canada

Listing your brand on the Amazon Brand Registry will help to protect you from counterfeiters, copycats and cheap imitators selling on Amazon. But there’s a pre-requisite to getting on the Brand Registry in Canada. It’s a Canadian trademark registration, or at the very...
What you should know before trademarking your logo in Canada

What you should know before trademarking your logo in Canada

Most business owners immediately think of their logo when they hear the word “trademark”. But a logo is actually not your first trademark, nor is it your most important one. It also shouldn’t be the first trademark you register. Your name, whether your business name...
Canadian Trademarks are not valid in the United States

Canadian Trademarks are not valid in the United States

Canadian trademarks are not valid in the United States. It’s as simple as that. There’s no qualifications or exceptions to this rule. Canada and the United States have separate legal systems. If you want the exclusive right to use a name in both countries, you have to...
When is the Best Time to Trademark Your Company Name?

When is the Best Time to Trademark Your Company Name?

Most new entrepreneurs and business owners get this all wrong. We file a lot of first-time trademark applications, and for most of them, a corporation is listed as the owner. This means that incorporation is happening before trademarking, and that’s backwards....