I landed my first job in the intellectual property group of a major national law firm in 2001. Despite having an undergraduate degree in science, from day one, I was drawn to trademark law. Why? Because trademarks are imaginative and dynamic, and so are the people who create them.
But the legal services offered in the big firm environment don’t allow for personal connections and tailored advice. At least not without a shockingly large bill at the end.
I was sure there had to be a better way. Spoiler alert, I was right.
In 2014, I created Mason PC, a boutique trademark law firm, to connect with clients and provide personalized expert help in the field of trademark protection.
I’m ridiculously proud of the clients we serve. They’re out there changing the world with innovative ideas and remarkable brands. A few of the businesses I have helped over my near 20-year career include:
- An upstart Canadian passenger airline search and register their new name in Canada and the United States.
- An award-winning Canadian children’s label maker search and protect their trademarks in global markets.
- A professional race car driver register his personal trademarks in Canada.
- One of North America’s largest food manufacturing companies with their Canadian trademark searches and registrations.
- A major Canadian wine producer protect their wine marks in Canada and key export markets.
Not every client is a celebrity or a multinational corporation. Trademark protection is just as important for startups as it is for global businesses. So, in recognizing that not all startups have the resources to hire a trademark lawyer to provide custom brand protection services, I created Markably™, an online DIY trademark registration platform to help entrepreneurs and startups expertly and inexpensively protect their name and logo while they’re building a profitable business.
And that’s what brought me to where I am today. I continue to be fascinated by trademark law, and I love using it to help our clients launch and grow amazing brands.
But I wasn’t always a trademark lawyer.
I actually thought I wanted to be a doctor. But when I realized I don’t like blood, or Birkenstocks, and I act like a drunk when I don’t get enough sleep, I thought I should explore some other options…
Chef? Seamstress? Prime Minister? Ice cream tester?
My dilemma was solved in one evening with a fortune cookie that said, “You would make a good lawyer.”
Since cookies never lie, I headed to law school and landed my first job as a fancy-pants Bay Street lawyer.
I stayed there for 10-years, but I never really fit. The small-town girl from the East Coast was screaming from inside to lose the stiff suit and fake smile. Plus, life just isn’t about billable hours, or 12-hour days being worn like a badge of honor. It’s about connecting with real people and making a difference in someone’s life. Anyone’s life.
So, I packed my bags and headed back east where the warm people grow. I got side-tracked in Ottawa by a handsome German cabinet-maker, and this is where you can find me now. On a farm west of Ottawa, with my German, two semi-German boys, our dog and a flock of chickens.
And when I’m not valiantly defending my clients’ trademarks and helping them expand to new markets, I’m happily spending my time mastering the art of schnitzel-making, teaching my boys to be super-heroes, and trying every day to live up to my fortune.
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/masonpc
- Saint Mary’s University, BSC, Honours in Biology
- University of New Brunswick, LLB
- Ontario Bar, 2002
- Registered Trademark Agent, 2004