must always be different.
Trademark Searches

We’ll sift through databases containing hundreds of existing trademarks and trade names to find out if your trademark is truly unique and capable of helping your business grow.
Contact us for more information.
Adopting a trademark that is similar to someone else’s could confuse your customers and impair your business growth, but it can also infringe the legal rights of that other trademark owner. Dealing with a trademark infringement claim is no walk in the park. At a minimum, you’ll incur legal fees in defending against the claim, and in most cases, you’ll end up having to invest in changing your trademark.
Searching for potentially confusing trademarks is the best investment that you can make in your new business, product or service. Too often we see new business owners invest time and money in branding, website and packaging design, only to have to change it all when they realize their name or logo is already being used or its so similar to someone else’s that its practically indistinguishable.

Adopting a trademark that is similar to someone else’s could confuse your customers and impair your business growth, but it can also infringe the legal rights of that other trademark owner. Dealing with a trademark infringement claim is no walk in the park. At a minimum, you’ll incur legal fees in defending against the claim, and in most cases, you’ll end up having to invest in changing your trademark.
Searching for potentially confusing trademarks is the best investment that you can make in your new business, product or service. Too often we see new business owners invest time and money in branding, website and packaging design, only to have to change it all when they realize their name or logo is already being used or its so similar to someone else’s that its practically indistinguishable.

registration experts.
Trademark protection starts with having strong trademarks. We can help ensure your trademarks are strong with in-depth trademark searches.
Our trademark search packages include:
- Searches of the trademark register for identical and similar marks
- Searches of business names and other unregistered trademark sources
- Legal analysis of the availability of the trademark
- 30-minute Q&A session to discuss the search results and our recommendations

registration experts.
Trademark protection starts with having strong trademarks. We can help ensure your trademarks are strong with in-depth trademark searches.
Our trademark search packages include:
- Searches of the trademark register for identical and similar marks
- Searches of business names and other unregistered trademark sources
- Legal analysis of the availability of the trademark
- 30-minute Q&A session to discuss the search results and our recommendations